Caroline's birthday picnic lunch on the kitchen floor.

Caroline is 12!!!! Wow, my little girl is getting so old. Caroline is so excited to now be in the Young Women's program. She went with Natalie and I a few weeks ago to the Young Women's
broadcast. It was so fun to go with both of my girls. We all loved Elder Uchtdorf's
Caroline is such a darling girl and has so many talents and interests. She is always busy baking, singing, dancing, doing a craft or playing with friends. I really appreciate it when she helps me with dinner. It will be exciting to see what new interest or activities she will be involved in the future. Her birthday presents this year demonstrate some of her varied interests.
1. Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking"
2. new ballet shoes and tights
3. piano music to the "Pride and Prejudice" soundtrack
5. clothes
6. gum
7. Animal Crossing Wii game