Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Place!

Today was a major stress day so I thought I would blog about last week's vacation which was so relaxing and wonderful.  Maybe it will be my new "happy place" to think about when bad days come.  We had a great time with our children and our friends.  Our friends are related to the person who own this amazing vacation home/resort and who generously let us stay there.   The slides and pools were unbelievable and fun.  My kids loved the one that went down the mountain through a pirate ship.  My kids did daring things like going backwards or holding onto multiple friends feet and making a huge train while sliding down.  Joseph was diving down for treasures and swimming across the pool by the end of the trip.  I loved the hammocks, luxurious accommodations, the incredible view of lake Mead, and being with the people I love.  We even played a few great games of Settlers of Catan (board game).  It was wonderful to get away from everything and be in such a magical place. 

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