Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Lake Powell

The summer fun continues..  We went with Cheryl's family, Becca's family, Mary's family and we brought Doug's girls Catherine and Becca.  We had a great time, especially the kids who were pulled on the tubes or knee boards all day (thanks Paul and Mark).  I love the dramatic beauty and contrast of the landscape.  I also love sleeping under the stars that are so brilliant there.  I am not a water sport kind of person, I loved sitting on the smooth rock shoreline and watching the kids swim or just floating on a mat in the warm water.  On the first night Joseph asked if the bats suck human blood.  I guess he had a book at home that shows vampire bats sucking on a pig.  We had to explain that the bats at Lake Powell were nice bats and eat the bugs.  Paul set up the projector and we watched superman on top of the boat.  Paul also provided a great firework show each night.  Thanks Cheryl for great food and a fun trip!!!


Heidi said...

You guys plan a fun summer for your family! Can you adopt me?

Becca said...

Great pics, emily. I will save them for my Lake Powell DVD. Do you have anymore you can email me?

Mary said...

It was fun hanging out with you on the boat. Thanks for helping me with baby Kate.

Mommymita said...

Watching superman sounds fun... maybe you should have watched batman though and then enjoyed the special effects of real bats swarming

sunshine family said...

Classic lake powell pics - the only picture you forgot to post was a shot of all the food during a "feeding frenzy."
