Friday, August 14, 2009

Jake's new look

I was actually sad when Jake had his signature mole removed this week. He has had this mole since birth and was his little beauty mark. It was starting to grow so the Doctor advised having it removed. Jake loves having a "cool" scar on his cheek instead (14 stitches). He has been making up all sorts of stories to go with it. His latest is that he got caught on a barb wire fence. The Dr. actually said that in about 6 months it will not be noticeable at all. With or without the "beauty" mark, we think Jake is handsome young man. (Top picture--we thought the store sign was great and made Jake take a picture under it)

1 comment:

Heidi said...

How will we recognize him without it? :) I am surprised it took 14 stitches to close up. Scars always look good on guys. :)