Sunday, March 16, 2008

Cousin Week Continues

My sister Al who is 7 month pregnant has been really sick and is now down on bed rest.  Her 5 children came over and stayed during the week.  It was busy and fun.  Joseph loved it.  One day during quiet time he hid in the room James had quiet time in so he could be with him.  He loves all his cousin "friends".  In fact when he wants to play with a neighborhood friends he asks, "Can I play with a cousin now?".  I think because he has so many cousin who he primarily plays with he thinks cousin means friend.  Notice Joseph in picture giving "rabbit ears to the transformer". :) 
I have realized this past two weeks what great mothers my sisters are.  As I have cared for their children I can clearly see the things they have taught them as I watch them play and interact.  It made me realize the important role of mothers and that children do really listen and copy us.

1 comment:

Mommymita said...

Thanks again Emily! I'm feeling much better now and could not have recovered without you.

The kids are just sad to be home today and Peter asked "how come you let us stay until St. Patricks Day Last year and this year we had to come home the day after Josh's birthday"?