Sunday, October 18, 2009

Homemade masquerade halloween masks

This fall break a few were house bound--Natalie was recovering from pneumonia and Josh did not want to go in public with his "baby". Caroline and I went to the craft store in search of something fun to make. We came home with plaster gauze used to make masks. The gauze(looks like an ace bandage) was very easy to use--just cut and dip in warm water and lay on the face. (make sure you cover the area of face with Vaseline or you will may have an unwanted eyebrow wax.)
Jake trying to avoid me taking his picture and playing cards to pass the 15 min drying time.
Natalie wanted hers a little smaller so we drew with eyeliner on her face as a guide as we laid down the strips.

Caroline hot gluing embellishments on her mask.
Joseph painting his mask. He painted one side with glow in the dark paint and the other with black and sparkles. Jake decided to do a similar mask, but on opposite sides Joseph. They have fun going in the dark bathroom and watching half of their "face" float around. Josh wanted to make a golden eagle (their school's mascot) but I did not feel like going to the craft store again to buy brown feathers, so he ended up using feathers from the bag of feathers I already had. He formed a beak with the plaster gauze strips and then added it to his mask. This was a fun and creative project. It may bother young children because as it dries on the faces it kind of itches.


Amy G said...

What a fun thing to do! Your mommy skills just amaze me!!!

Chris Hash said...

How FUN!

Cathy said...

That's a fancy project!! They turned out great!

RayAnne said...

What a fun project! We did this as kids with my dad. I considered doing this project for Rachel's mask for the masquerade. We'll see if we get around to it.

Mommymita said...

Those look great! You've got the best project ideas - thanks for sharing them.

Heidi said...

What a fun mom you are! I love the masks... so cool! Also, I love that Josh had to take care of a baby... and that he liked the class because of all the girls in it... so funny!