Monday, February 15, 2010

Dresses for Less......formals on a Budget

A stag dance.
Her other dresses

Last summer I was on a mission to find some formals for Natalie as I garage sale shopped. I ended up with finding 6. I then found 4 at a thrift store. A manufacturer had donated their old inventory and all the dresses still had the tags on them. Some of these had original price tags of $200. The thrift store sold each of them for $35.00. It was always a risk when I purchased these at the yard sale, because Natalie usually was not with me, but I figured I could always alter them or or resale them. I think only two of the dresses will not work. One, Natalie does not like and the other requires too many complicated alterations to make it work. Here is what I spent;

garage sales:

black dress 8.00
red dress with shawl 15.00
short green dress 5.00
light blue dress 8.00
light blue dress (one she doesn't like) 3.00
red dress (too many alterations) 40.00

thrift store
light blue sparkly 35.00
royal blue 35.00
magenta 35.00
princess blue one 35.00

TOTAL: 196.00

That seems like a lot, but I figured she has 8 dresses she will wear and it works out to be about $26 a dress. I told her earlier that I would buy her one dress a year, so this year for the price of one she has 8. I do need to work on my sewing ability, though. The top light blue dress, she is wearing above, I had to take in and altered the sleeves. When she gave her date a hug goodnight her right sleeve ripped off. hahahah :)


Becca said...

They all look so cute! Great job bargain shopping, emily. I love the light blue one on top. Natalie is lucky - everything looks good on her - she is beautiful, tall, and thin!

Mommymita said...

Oh EMily that is so funny! Did you ever hear about the time I made a dress for Julie and the zipper busted just before teh date arrived? I had to sew her into it.

What did Natalie do when the sleeve ripped off? That is just as funny as her dress falling during dance class.

Cathy said...

I'm glad you blogged this! I was going through her facebook album thinking, "where did they get all of these dresses?!". Good work Emily!

Unknown said...

She's so beautiful!!! I love how modest they are way to go!

Emily said...
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Emily said...

Al--she laughed and then ran inside. I should also mention that her rhinestone necklace and rhinestone high heels are also from a garage sale. :D

Heidi said...

Could Natalie look any more beautiful in all those pictures?!! I love all the dresses and she looks amazing in them! Good budget shopping Emily! I need to start doing that as well.

Christina, knick name Bina said...

You are so talented, and creative, Natalie looks exquisite! How fun! Fortunatly for me, I had lots of brides maid dresses and hand-me downs to choose from, fun memories.