Friday, February 5, 2010

Have I Done Any Good in the World Today?

On New Years day I shared this wonderful story with the children (it actually is about Natalie's friend's grandfather). I then also reminded them of President Monson's recent talk on service. After reading the story and talking about service, I gave each of them their own notebooks. I told them as a family we will try to do an extra service for someone else each day and record it.

Well, we have been doing this for over a month now and I must report that some children are better than others in recording their good deeds. I keep most the notebooks in a basket by the table and some of the kids have their notebooks by their beds. Tomorrow we may pull out these notebooks to review how we are doing after family night. This video below would be good to show if you are doing this for family night.


Christina, knick name Bina said...

What a great idea, its nice that the kids write down their deeds--then they can go back and see how they have improved, and feel good about themselves. What a positive thing!

Cathy said...

What a great idea! Iay have to modify it for my kids. Maybe a jar of warm fuzzies.