Each New Years we have the children trace around their hands and write their goals on their hands. This year we are also working on two family goals. The first is to be more consistent with family scripture study and prayer. The second is to talk nice to each other. We have noticed that the children have not been talking respectively with one another. I don't know if this is due to more teenagers in the house or all being too busy, but to improve relationships and the atmosphere in our home we all decided on this as a goal. We made up a code(see top pictured above) to show someone if they are not talking in a kind manner. I also put up our family banner, Natalie made from last years family reunion up as a reminder.
The evening after making this goal I had to send one child to their room for being disrespectful. After this confrontation, I was frustrated and angry and started getting after the 3 children in the kitchen who where not cleaning up as they should. I noticed the two children I was talking with started to shake their heads back and forth and smile at the child behind me. I asked them "what?" and they started laughing and said Natalie told us to give you the heart sign. We all started laughing and I realize how much I need to improve in this area and that the mother really does sets the tone of the home. :)
Great idea.... we were "honking" when someone said something mean but maybe sign language is better
I love your banner too
I'm going to try that as a reminder too. I love your banner!
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