Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Wordfull Wednesday--My Favorite Christmas Songs

I enjoy listening to all types of Christmas music.  I love the spirit the songs brings into my home.  My two favorites are "Silent Night" and "O Holy Night".  Both of these songs, whether song by a choir or by a small child makes my soul soar and my skin tingle.  I wish I could sings these as beautifully I feel them in my heart.  I have fond memories of the song "Silent Night".  As a child in Michigan my parents would load the family up on Christmas Eve with bottles of honey from our bees to deliver to our friends and neighbors.  No matter the weather or chill factor,  we sang carols at the door of each recipient.  My father who served his mission in Switzerland always sang "Silent Night" in German as we sang together.  I loved hearing his deep voice singing this song in it's original form.  

Like my sister Alison, I also love the songs in the movie The Muppet Christmas Carol, especially "It feels like Christmas" and "Bless us All".  This movie is both a touching and fun version of Charles Dickens A Christmas Carol.

More wordfull Wednesday--here


Montserrat said...

Just reading about your father singing Silent Night in German gave me chills. I love hearing that song without any accompaniment, just pure clear voices.

James and Aimee said...

Silent Night is one of my favorites to sing when we go caroling. Hopefully my children will have sweet memories of caroling like you do.

Ratliffs said...

O Holy Night my fav too! But how can you choose just one?! It's so hard! They're all so wonderful. Thanks for sharing your memories that go along with these songs as well.

Mommymita said...

I like all those songs and wish I could sing good enough to actually take my kids caroling. How did we pull it off anyways? I remember being so cold and so happy when someone offered us a piece of chocolate.

I remember Doug and Roy singing in Spanish and Bry and Rick in French as well. i should have had Xiao Xia teach the kids it in Chinese