Where we live, you do not just call up a girl and ask her to a dance. Instead you "must" ask her in a cute and creative way. The girl then responds also in a clever manner. Two days ago Josh ask a girl to an upcoming dance by buying a box of chocolates and writing on the inside lid "It would be sweet to go to the Valentines dance with you" --under each chocolate was a letter to his name. Yesterday the doorbell rang and on the door step was a box of Honeycomb cereal with a note attached which said "Honey,comb your hair....... cause we're going dancing" from Cassie. Josh was thrilled. It has been fun helping my boys figure out different ways to ask. Johnny once made a tiny incision in the bottom of a pumpkin and slipped a note wrapped in cellophane into the pumpkin. He then stabbed the pumpkin with a knife with a note attached that said "carve" and left it on her doorstep. Another time a girl asked Johnny to a dance and decorated his room. Later I found out she had put glow in the dark stickers on the ceiling--which were impossible to come off(some are still stuck on). AUG! With Natalie and Jake soon to enter this dating ritual with Josh- any fun ideas for the future would be welcomed. :)
I really liked what Josh and his date did! So cute! I just read about some ideas in a book I finished this morning. I'm not sure if I'd actually use them though. :) They suggested putting some cinnamon rolls in a dump truck with a sign that reads, "I'd like to haul your buns to the dance." The other was to put some superman underwear on a sign that says, "I'll be brief, go to the dance with me." :) The one that I liked was putting a baby chick in a basket with a sign that says, "This chick would like to go to the dance with you." That one was cute and useable. :)
What book was it?
Em, Erica and I have this saying "only in Utah"...and this fits right into that catagory! What a fun way to ask for a date to a dance! Erica once did this for prom with another mormon boy..something with swedish fish..can't remember the rest..What clever kids!
We tried something like this in MI but I think the guys were very confused. It makes the whole event more fun.
It keeps teenagers from only "texting"
The book was "All's fair in love, war, and high school" by Ann Rallison. It was a cute, clean book. I think the author is LDS as she has been highlighted on Anne Bradshaw's blog, but she doesn't publish with LDS publishers.
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