Yesterday we designed and carved our pumpkins. It is fun to see what each person creates. Caroline usually does the very detail ones using a pattern. Jake decides quickly what he wants and is always done first. No one likes to clean out their pumpkin, but if they don't they do not get any toasted pumpkin seeds the next day. We had 12 cups of pumpkin seeds this year. YUM!!
Pumpkin Seeds:
2 Cups pumpkin seeds
2 Tablespoon butter
1 tsp worcestershire sauce
1 tsp salt
Boil washed seed 15 minutes. Drain and mix with melted butter and other ingred. Pour in pan and toast seeds 250 for 2 hours till crunchy. Stir every so often.
Hopefully we'll get to ours tonight. I think I may try the toasted seeds recipe. I've never done it before. THanks for posting it!
I want to see Caroline's did she get it off the computer?
I also think Natalie is funny with the apron on - is that the clean gene?
We did ours but it was tiring. I guess when they get older they will do it themselves. This year James is the only one who could do his
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