Thursday, November 6, 2008

Reflection Winners!!!

Caroline and Joseph won in their school's reflections program.  Caroline composed and played a song and Joseph took a picture.  The theme was WOW.  Joseph called his picture Pumpkin Masterpiece and Caroline named her song China dance.  They had fun and I enjoyed watching their creativity, even-though Joseph slimed my LCD monitor on my new camera with his mouth while taking his pictures.

Pumpkin Masterpiece


Heidi said...

Congratulations Caroline and Joseph! That is great!

Mary said...

Your kids are so creative! (Good thing for LCD cleaner). :)

Mommymita said...

Great job! Caroline I loved hearing you play the Christmas songs - I just wish you would have played CHina dance for me.

Joseph - I like your picture of the pumpkins - "Wow"! They are colorful and displayed so nicely.

Emily - I think it is great to let the kids have supervised use of good tools (like your camera) My kids do the best projects when I let them use my expensive art supplies (0f course I'm hovering - not over their art - just my precious tools)